To register for use of the RSF-DEMO site, please give us the following information: (all fields are required)

Your full email address:

Your name:

Your role in the fair (choose one):

Note that your role in the fair is a very important attribute. If you are going to be listed as a student on an entry, then you *must* have the role of "student." Likewise, if you are going to be listed as a teacher then you *must* have the role of "teacher." Furthermore, the email address you give above must agree with the email address given for student or teacher on the registration form, or you will find you do not have access to the remainder of the entry process. If you have questions about what role you need for a more specialized role (such as IRB member), then use this link to view the list of signature types, and associated roles. Please note, as well, that a student's parent or actual mentor on a project should not be a part of the IRB reviewing that project.

As of 2015, adults (non-students) are allowed to have multiple roles on the site. Except for committee members, adults may not add a student role to their list of roles. If you define multiple roles for yourself, you will be presented with a list to choose from as you login, and the passwords for all the roles will be the same.