Site Map, Parking, and Check-in Instructions
Parking Instructions
It is best to access Nokia Bell Labs by the main entrance off of Mountain Avenue (see map below).
- Personal Cars
- As you approach the main entrance, utilize the North Parking Lot East & North Parking Lot West (1 & 2 on map).
If these two lots are full, then proceed to the West Parking Lot #1 (3 on map).
- Buses
- Buses are to proceed to the front of the building to drop off passengers (4 on map).
If buses need to be parked, proceed to the West Parking Lot #1 (3 on map).
Check-in/Check-out Instructions
These steps are to be followed every time a person enters or leaves Nokia.
No one will be allowed past the front Security Desk without a badge.
- Arriving
- Visitors are to enter Nokia Bell Labs via the Main Lobby located off Mountain Avenue (4 on map).
In the Main Lobby, there will be tables set-up with your approved badge.
Visitors will be given their badge and checked-in at these tables.
- Departing
- At the end of each day, visitors will turn in their badge at the tables in the Main Lobby and be checked-out.