North Jersey Regional Science Fair -- 2016

The NJRSF for 2016 was held at Rutgers, New Brunswick, March 11-12, 2016. The awards were announced March 12, at the awards ceremony. The top awards include 5 students named to attend ISEF, from four different schools in the region, including Bergen County Academies, Colonia High School, The Dalton School (the school is in NY, but the student lives in NJ), and Watchung Hills Regional High School. We had an outstanding year at ISEF.
Final information for the fair

Team Projects in 2016

We are hoping to send team projects to ISEF again in 2016, although our commitment to that has to be pending fund-raising efforts. We began sending teams a few years ago, in 2010, after we got a grant from AT&T (resulting from the Netflix Award won by a group of staff members at AT&T Labs Research) for the purpose. As of 2013, that award needed to be backed by contributions, so we are seeking sponsorship.

Changes for 2016

Important Dates:

Lists for 2016

Fair Information Packet