How to Register as a Judge

New Judges
Judges for the NJRSF should have at least a Bachelor's degree in a STEM field. To sign up as a new judge, use this link to establish an account on our website. Fill out the form and set your role as a judge. You will first receive an email with a temporary login. Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password. Then click on Login Now on the navbar to sign in. It will take you immediately to the Judge Information page. From there, click on "Go to Judge Registration Form" to provide your judging profile and availability. Then click "Submit" and you're done.
Existing Judges
If you are already signed up as a judge, then click here to sign into your account. It will take you immediately to the judge information page. From there, click on "Go to Judge Registration Form" to update your availability and profile. Then click "Submit" and you're done. (If you have multiple roles, make sure you choose "judge" from the dropdown.)
Adding the judge role to your existing account
If you currently have an account on the NJRSF site, but your roles do not include that of "judge," then you should login, and then click on the menu choice "Add a user role" which will appear on the menu dropdown beneath your name. Fill out the form to add the role of judge. Then you should log out (by clicking on your name on the navbar) and log back in as a judge, as above.

If you have any questions, contact the Judging Coordinators.